College Admission Essay

By Stanley Switalski
Task : Use the skills from class to write a thorough and descriptive college essay.

The Runner

It was a scorching Thursday afternoon and I was already running late for my job. As I stepped out of the subway into the blazing sun, I recognized a local school must have just released their students. They didn’t look like a welcoming committee, and because I was running late, I thought it would be best to run ahead of the crowd. Successfully in front of the crowd, I continue to walk when I hear another teenager shout, “Yo I swear I’m bloods, I swear!” Few seconds later, I see two teenagers lined up right beside me. One of them said, “You wanna do this?” Next thing I knew I was running for my life.

To this very day, I still feel as though I am the one responsible for that incident. I am the type of guy who displays his emotions very easily. Taking one glance at me could cause an author to write his next big hit. Now prior to stepping off the train, a group of rough teenagers came on the train. Although I wish I could have run off the train, I knew that I was already running late. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, fear started to trounce my face. I felt fortunate to make it through that “ordeal” and into the world. Now I was faced with another group of teenagers, and they read me just like that author. They knew I was a prime target.

For weeks after that event, I could not take the same trip. I kept thinking what could have possibly happened to me. It were these thoughts that made me quit my supreme job, and it were these thoughts that caused me to fear the world. I ended up finding another job at my high school afterschool. This way I would never have to go through that unpleasant experience ever again. However, as each day passed by, I felt as though I was slowly dying. I hadn’t felt the same ever since that day and knew that something was wrong. It took me a while before I realized that I was a runner.

I never pictured myself running away from anything before. When I was given a task larger than I could handle, I would always complete it. I mean if Atlas asked me to hold up the sky, I wouldn’t hesitate. But for some reason I ran away from my fear that day and the days that followed. It wasn’t until weeks after that event that I said I would no longer be a runner. I stood firm and took that same exact trip at the same exact time. Fortunately this time I came out unscathed and continued my life in the right direction. My life was finally back on track and, ever since that day, I have not run away from anything. I now know that, no matter how fearsome attending college might sound, I will not be a runner.

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