I have moved on to English 7 with Ms. Hyde

By Stanley Switalski
Please follow my new blog for my new work. The new URL is Http://StanE7.Blogspot.Com.

College Admission Essay

By Stanley Switalski
Task : Use the skills from class to write a thorough and descriptive college essay.

The Runner

It was a scorching Thursday afternoon and I was already running late for my job. As I stepped out of the subway into the blazing sun, I recognized a local school must have just released their students. They didn’t look like a welcoming committee, and because I was running late, I thought it would be best to run ahead of the crowd. Successfully in front of the crowd, I continue to walk when I hear another teenager shout, “Yo I swear I’m bloods, I swear!” Few seconds later, I see two teenagers lined up right beside me. One of them said, “You wanna do this?” Next thing I knew I was running for my life.

To this very day, I still feel as though I am the one responsible for that incident. I am the type of guy who displays his emotions very easily. Taking one glance at me could cause an author to write his next big hit. Now prior to stepping off the train, a group of rough teenagers came on the train. Although I wish I could have run off the train, I knew that I was already running late. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, fear started to trounce my face. I felt fortunate to make it through that “ordeal” and into the world. Now I was faced with another group of teenagers, and they read me just like that author. They knew I was a prime target.

For weeks after that event, I could not take the same trip. I kept thinking what could have possibly happened to me. It were these thoughts that made me quit my supreme job, and it were these thoughts that caused me to fear the world. I ended up finding another job at my high school afterschool. This way I would never have to go through that unpleasant experience ever again. However, as each day passed by, I felt as though I was slowly dying. I hadn’t felt the same ever since that day and knew that something was wrong. It took me a while before I realized that I was a runner.

I never pictured myself running away from anything before. When I was given a task larger than I could handle, I would always complete it. I mean if Atlas asked me to hold up the sky, I wouldn’t hesitate. But for some reason I ran away from my fear that day and the days that followed. It wasn’t until weeks after that event that I said I would no longer be a runner. I stood firm and took that same exact trip at the same exact time. Fortunately this time I came out unscathed and continued my life in the right direction. My life was finally back on track and, ever since that day, I have not run away from anything. I now know that, no matter how fearsome attending college might sound, I will not be a runner.

SAT Vocabulary Song

By Stanley Switalski
Task : Students will demonstrate their understanding of SAT vocabulary in their presentation of said words in song, poetry, multimedia presentation, rap, or article.
(Italicized words are the SAT Words)

Our Eulogy, Their Creed

By: Joseph Cruz and Stanley Switalski

They infiltrate and they annihilate.
Some are diffident, but become impervious
Due to this surreptitious war.
These soldiers are America’s best,
Aplomb in every battle.
Fighting a desultory war,
We sing this song to laud them.

These soldiers are caught in a perpetual fiasco,
And they face several quandaries.
No matter how much they deplore this unnecessary war,
They comply to every demand.

Suppress! Oppress!
We cannot compromise,
And you must not have remorse.
Smite them to oblivion,
For they are deleterious!”

These words mitigate their situation.
They strategically rectify the war.
Although the sordid commander believes the world shouts in jubilation
Whenever they hear these words.
These words only build our enmity.

[Chorus ("Suppress, Oppress...")]

But the soldiers must follow these words.
And so they pretend to become equable, stolid and recusant.
Yet inside they remain arid, petulant and diffident.


So here is our subversive eulogy.
To those who “substantiate” our country,
to those who are recluse from their everyday lives.
Your courage is exorbitant
And your dedication is memorable.
But most of all your stamina,
to deal with the torture, battles and false promises,
will never be forgotten.

Word lists 1, 2, 3.


How to create an image slideshow for your Biography

By Stanley Switalski
In order to make it easier for those who are trying to create the same slideshow effect for their powerpoint, here is a tutorial.
  1. 1st off you are going to need to save your Powerpoint as all images. In order to do this
  2. Next you are going to want to take those images and resize them to 500x375 in order to make it fit properly on the blog page. If you do not have a photo editing program, Photobucket.com has a nice photo editor that will allow you to do that if you host these images there, which brings me to the next step.
  3. You will need to host these images. I prefer Photobucket.com mainly because it is simple, free and has that image resize function. If Photobucket isn't working for you, you can use this service Bay Img, created by , which also ensures your images will not be taken offline.
  4. Now you will need to create a new blog post and choose the Edit HTML tab at the top instead of Compose.
  5. Then copy and paste this code under the Edit HTML tab.
    **NOTE : You need to edit this code so don't press publish post**

  6. Now you need to change the "dropimages" and "droplinks" lines to point to the URL of where you have hosted your files. In Photobucket the line you should copy is called "Direct Link."
  7. You might also have more then three slides. What are you going to do? Just copy the entire "dropimages" and "droplinks" lines and increment the number by one. So for example, the last line is "dropimages[2]="putimageurlhere.jpg"". Right under neath that put "dropimages[3]="putimageurlhere.jpg"". Repeat this for the droplinks as well.
  8. Now you can go ahead and say Publish post.
  9. And error should come up and say something about title or body HTML errors. Underneath there is a check box that will allow you to stop showing title or body HTML errors for the post. Check that check box and then press publish post.
  10. Congratulations, you should now have an image slideshow just like the one below. Hope that helps. Check out my other tutorial further down the page to see how use HTML to enhance your blog posts.

H.D. Thoreau Biography

By Stanley Switalski

Good afternoon. I do not wish to force my thoughts upon you, but I feel forced myself. Although I know little of Captain Brown, I would fain do my part to correct the tone and statements of the media. We can at least express our sympathy with, and admiration of, him and his companions, which is what I plan to do now.

Captain Brown was an old-fashioned man in his respect for the Constitution. A man of great common sense, he deemed slavery to be wholly opposed to the Constitution and he was its determined foe. He was a man of Spartan habits and used his passion to attempt to make a change.

As for his recent failure, we do not know the facts about it. It was evidently far from being a wild and desperate attempt. His enemy is compelled to say, “it was among the best planned and executed conspiracies that ever failed.” Yet the government still seeks to punish him and his men, criticizing not their purpose, but their tactics.

I have read all the newspapers I could get within a week after this event, and I do not remember a single expression of sympathy for these men. He was a superior man. No other man in America has ever stood up so persistently and effectively for the dignity of human nature. I would rather see the statue of Captain Brown in the Massachusetts State-House yard, than that of any other man I know. Some eighteen hundred years ago Christ was crucified; this morning Captain Brown was hung. I see now that it is necessary that the bravest and humanist men in all the country should be hung.

Source: A plea for Captain Brown

My reading of "A Plea for Captain Brown"


A Speech on the Treatment of Native Americans

By Stanley Switalski
Task: Research great speeches on the Treatment of Native Americans and list the speaker, cite source, what is the speech about, pros vs. cons, who, what, when, why, where, how, audience etc. Then analyze the speech by the 6 standards of persuasion.

Creek Chief Red Eagle
Address to General Andrew Jackson

Delivered in 1814, at Fort Jackson, in what is now Alabama

What is the speech about?
The speech is about a Chief, Chief Red Eagle, who visits General Andrew Jackson to pled for assistance. After the United States soldiers had killed off most of their warriors and destroyed their villages, US citizens “invaded” Chief Red Eagle’s land and pushed the remaining tribe members off their land. Now Chief Red Eagle needed to help the remainder his people and the only people who could possibly help would be General Andrew Jackson.
Pros & Cons
There aren’t really any pros in this speech. The US soldiers killed many of Chief Red Eagle’s tribe, the following US settlers chased the remaining off their land and now Chief Red Eagle is looking for help. On top of that, we don’t even know if Chief Red Eagle ever got the help he needed.
How does the Speech follow the 6 standards?
  • State the issue and the writer's opinion:
    In the first couple of sentences, he uses effective language to show his current disposition. Throughout the speech, he exposes the situation that he has been forced to bear with. The U.S. army had came onto their territory and slaughtered them to extinction. Now the Chief of that territory is begging for the US to “send [help] for the women and children of the war party who are now starving in the woods.” Chief Red Eagle has “done the white people all the harm he could.” Now he “relies on their generosity.”
  • Give opinions and support them with facts or reasons:
    “Even hope has ended”

    He says that he once could “animate” his warriors to battle, but cannot “animate” the dead (there is no living warrior).

    “If I had been left to contend with the Georgia Army, I would have raised corn on one bank of the river and fought them on the other. But your people have destroyed my Nation.”

    What he was trying to say was that a small group of white soldiers would not have been a problem for him. He could have a thriving field of corn while fighting the Army. But it was not only the Georgia soldiers who attacked; it was all the citizens who moved out west who caused Chief Red Eagle to beg for the United States’ help.

    “I have done the white people all the harm I could.”

    Because he had given the invading soldiers a good fight, and now can do nothing else but “weep over the misfortunes of his Nation,” he feels as though he has done as much harm as he could. However, Andrew Jackson might think different and view Chief Red Eagle as even more of a savage than before.
  • Have a reasonable and respectful tone:
    “I have nothing to request in behalf of myself; you can kill me, if you desire.”

    This, being the introduction, sets the tone of Chief Red Eagle’s speech. From this we can tell that Chief Red Eagle is in distress, asking nothing for himself but something for his followers.

    “I have done the white people all the harm I could.”

    Although the topic of the sentence might be rude to say to the president, the way Chief Red Eagle phrased, it did not make him sound as a savage. Based on the fact that the United States soldiers were attacking them, Chief Red Eagle actually sounds respectful of the US.
  • Answer opposing views and Conclude by summing up reasons or calling for action
    “Your people have destroyed my Nation. I rely on your generosity.”

    Andrew Jackson might have replied, “Why should I take time out to help you, the savage?” to Chief Red Eagle’s cry for help. This is an exact rebound to that question. Essentially, what Chief Red Eagle was saying is if you hadn’t come to attack me, I wouldn’t have come looking to you for help.
  • Use sound logic and effect language
    “I exerted myself in vain to prevent the massacre of the women and children at Fort Mims.”

    Although a sentence is not a picture, I can paint my own vivid picture solely based on that sentence. Chief Red Eagle used passionate words and effective language to demonstrate his dedication for his tribe. This sentence greatly improves the amount of persuasion his speech contains.

    “Once I could animate my warriors to battle, but I cannot animate the dead.”

    Instead of saying “All of my warriors are dead,” Chief Red Eagle choose to use effective language and created that line. Now we are painted a more vivid picture of Chief Red Eagle’s situation than “all of my warriors are dead” would.

    A majority of the first paragraph contains sound logic and effective language. This is vital to the overall persuasion of the speech because most people base their opinions/final decisions early on. By Chief Red Eagle using so much sound logic and effective language in the first few sentences, he easily persuaded the audience to be on his side.

    Shortened Speech Attempt

    General Jackson, I am not afraid of you for I fear no man. I have nothing to request in behalf of myself. I come today to beg you to send for the women and children of the war party who are now starving in the woods. Your people are the cause of their misery.
    I exerted myself in vain to prevent the massacre of the women and children at Fort Mims. I am now done fighting. Once I could animate my warriors to battle, but I cannot animate the dead. If I had been left to contend with the Army, I would have raised corn on one bank of the river and fought them on the other. But your people have destroyed my Nation. I now rely on your generosity.

    American Rhetoric.com - Chief Red Eagle Speech


    English 6 Journal (Update #4)

    By Stanley Switalski